India has a long history of labouring and offering assistance to others. We have heard tales of how people used to support one another and work together during trying times since the beginning of time. When people realised that they needed to stick together to survive in this world and that their unity and cooperation would shield them from future challenges, society ordered to survive in this world and that their unity and cooperation would shield them from future challenges, and society as a whole came into being. If we delve a little deeper to understand how society came into being, we will discover this. As a result, the idea of assisting others is a novel one in Indian culture. Even the ruling class once extended assistance to the underprivileged. A few of the events that inspired people to band together and aid others were earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, famines, landslides, etc. They believed that by voluntarily assisting others, they were performing a service to Go...